Wednesday 4 July 2012

Advice for ponies on youtube

(watch the video on the link)


You were this close to getting her off and being able to gallop off into the sunset! Ugh, next time, take this advice:

When she goes flying out of the saddle, on landing buck and drop a shoulder. This'll make sure your rider lands face first in the dirt, the ultimate goal of all riding ponies.


Great going, I reckon that'll stop your rider yanking on your mouth for a while!

But remember: Next time do a little pig root on landing to ensure that she tumbles off!


That is textbook stuff my friend. Definatly very well done. you jumped the fence, dumped the rider, and I bet you did a brilliant victory round (aka uncatchable pony trick) around the arena after that!

Thats somthing I'll most certinatly try when my own rider decides to risk the aqueduct!

This has been Shakira, giving advice for throwing your rider!


My favorite subject.

A recipe for pony apple treats (I gotta get my rider to read this, so she'll make some!)

1 apple
1 banana
1 handful of ice cubes.
A blender.

Cut and peel banana. Put into the blender with the ice cubes. Chop and blend it together until creamy. Cut the top off an apple and carve out the middle. Fill the apple with the banana mixture. Put top back on. Pour the rest of the banana on top and over the sides of the apple. Serve. This is really easy to make and I love it! Now just to induce those lazy riders to get off the internet and go bake me some treats...

Carrot Sticks and other things

Today I was watching my paddock mate Ivy and her rider play a game. Ivy's rider went backwards, Ivy went backwards. Ivy's rider went forwards, Ivy went forwards. It was all very funny looking, so when they were done, I asked her about it.

Me: Ivy, why was you and you're owner playing such funny games?

Ivy: Thats called Parrelli. Parrelli is a very smart man. He tells the riders, PLAY GAMES.

Me *wrinkles nose* I didn't like that game. It looked silly.

Ivy: You silly, he's smart. he has CARROT STICK.

Me: CARROT STICK?!? Like stick of carrot? I thinks I very much like this parrelli guy. Tell me more about awesome carrot stick.

Ivy: Magical carrot stick. You see, it looks like carrot. Its smells like carrot. It even sounds like carrot! But when you go to bite it... its not actually a carrot!


Ivy: Nope.

Me: *walks off* I don't like him anymore.

Hi There!

I'm Shakira, a fuzzy beach pony. I live in a grass filled paddock on a hill above a beach somewhere in New Zealand. In this blog (writen by my very own hooves) your'll find my opinionated opinions on my life and beeswax, as well as everyone elses life and beeswax too!

So heres some info on me...

I'm bay (pretty much just mud coloured) and 7 years old. I have a big, wide blaze down my face (also mud coloured) and three cute little socks (but my can't see them, they blend in cause they're mud coloured too so you just gotta take my word for it.)

I'm a girl, and my show names *Imma Celebrity*. I loooove the beach, because its warm and a great place for a gallop! All you ponies out there whose owners don't take you to teh beach, well, you just don't know what you're missing out on. Because trust me, if you can rip the reins outta your owners hands, you can go for MILES. (Not that I do that. I'm a good girl, honest.)

PS: Being a pony, I never did have much education in the reading and writing departments. Its quite embarrassing, actually, as my spelling and grammar may not always be perfect. Bear with me now, please.